
Unsere Öffnungszeiten richten sich nach den Bedürfnissen der Eltern. Zur Zeit ist der Kindergarten von 7.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet.

Kindergärten in der GFO

Kindergärten bilden eine wichtige Säule der GFO in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Die GFO hat ihr Angebot deshalb in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich ausgebaut. Hier finden Sie alle Kindergärten im GFO-Verbund.

Alle GFO-Kindergärten

Deine Karriere bei der GFO - in einem Kindergarten oder einer anderen Einrichtung im GFO-Verbund.

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Settling in

Settling in

A good start into the kindergarten everyday life

"Every child needs time, loving attention, safety and security to feel comfortable in a new environment, to find their way around and to develop freely at their own pace."

The transition from care by a close caregiver in a familiar environment to care in a kindergarten is a big step for children. In order to be able to successfully master this special stage, a gentle acclimation, in which the joint participation of child, caregiver and pedagogical specialist is taken into account, is very important to us. Our acclimation model is based on the "Berlin Acclimation Model".

    The basic phase

    The basic phase lasts approximately three days. During this time, the caregiver accompanies the child to the facility for one hour every day. The educators actively invite the child to participate in various activities and slowly try to build up a relationship. The familiar caregiver stays in the background, but is always available for the child.

    The first separation attempt

    On the fourth day, the caregiver consciously says goodbye to the child. The time of separation is increased daily, according to individual agreement. When the child is familiar with the group structure and the teachers, he or she is slowly accustomed to other routines such as lunch or the sleeping ritual.

    The final phase

    The caregiver no longer stays at the kindergarten, but can always be reached by phone. Settling in is completed when the child can be comforted by the educators and is basically in a good mood.

    Basically, each child decides at his or her own pace how much time he or she needs to settle in. It can last two weeks, but also longer. After about six weeks, a settling-in discussion takes place with the parents, in which the settling-in is reflected upon once again.


    Focal points in our kindergarten